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What is Ontario Structured Psychotherapy (OSP)?

Ontario Structured Psychotherapy (OSP) offers free, short-term, evidence-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for adults 18+ living in Ontario who have depression, anxiety, or anxiety-related concerns. Read on for more information or view our brochure

Find your OSP service provider

Select an option from the menu below to find out how to access OSP in your area. Don't forget to click SUBMIT.

You’re in the right place! OSP West serves people living in your region. View our frequently asked questions about OSP on our what we offer page, or visit our sign up now page to fill out a referral form.


You’re in the right place! OSP West serves people living in your region. View our frequently asked questions about OSP on our what we offer page, or visit our sign up now page to fill out a referral form.

You’re in the right place! OSP West serves people living in your region. View our frequently asked questions about OSP on our what we offer page, or visit our sign up now page to fill out a referral form.

Ontario Structured Psychotherapy is available across Ontario. OSP West serves people living in Western Ontario, and the location you selected is not in our catchment area. However, you can still sign up for OSP from one of our care partners. Click on the button below.

Visit the Ontario health website to find osp in your region

After viewing the information linked in the button above, if you still need help finding your region, email us or call us at 1-833-944-9966.

Want to learn more?

Visit our What We Offer page to see how our program works. If OSP seems right for you, refer yourself on our Sign Up Now pageor talk to your health care provider. You can also view our video below. 

OSP is not a crisis service. If you need help immediately, call 9-1-1, visit the nearest emergency department, or view our Immediate Help page for resources.  

Watch our video to learn more about OSP West: